Saturday, October 16, 2010

Saturday already??!!??

     Wow. What a week. We had an even crazier than normal crazy few days here. 'Nuff said about that. Oh I have two HUGE blisters on left foot toes. I want to pop them so bad, but I don't have any antibacterial ointment or cream or anything here so I think I'll just leave them. It was so nice to have a somewhat quiet Saturday, ahhhh.
     You can sure tell that snow is just around the corner. (again) I actually need a little bit of heat on in my room. I'm usually so hot from running all the time I didn't have it on and always opened my window, but the other morning was only about 15 in my room and I was shivering! Not in bed, since Tom found me a brand new comforter to put on my bed. It's nice and puffy and keeps me warm as toast.
     Well camp is as full as I've ever seen it since I've been here. Even the trailers outside, all 10 of them filled to capacity. I feel sorry for the guys coming off their day shift, as the lineup for food is right out of the dining room. Tensions were very high this week as there was a problem in the trailers and there was no water for about a full day to any of the trailers. Let's just say there were a lot of very frustrated, angry, tired and complaining men. Then in the middle of all that, one guy came to the counter, very angry, complaining about what a lousy, awful lunch facility we have here. Now you have to understand, the lunch area is open and available for people to make their own lunches in the morning and again in the evening. There are numerous sandwiches already made up, from pb&j to summer sausage, roast beef, turkey, chicken, veggie, cheese, egg salad, chicken salad, ham salad etc and leftovers from dinner are packed up, and burgers, pogo sticks, pizza pops, then there's apples, bananas, pears, sometimes plums. Then over in the next section you can make your own sandwich, with white, wheat and 12 grain bread, pitas, bagels and all the lunch meat, cheese slices (real cheese not Kraft singles) tomatoes, onions and other various garnishes you could ask for. Plus cut up cheese cubes, hard boiled eggs, pasta and potato salad to pack up, all kinds of drink boxes and fountain drinks. Oh and did I mention the treats? Always pastries, danish, muffins, rice krispie squares, different types of breads like banana bread, lemon loaf and cookies, chocolate, chocolate chip, oatmeal. And of course carrots, celery, cauliflower, broccoli and packages of dressings, dips, mayonnaise, cheese whiz, cream cheese etc etc etc. You get the picture. Anyway this guy is complaining (with his huge packed full lunch bag) about how lousy the lunch room is, and at other camps you get hot dogs (which we sometimes have too!) and he didn't even want to go to work!!!!! I just stared at him unbelievingly and calmly handed him the camp suggestion form so I wouldn't burst out laughing in his poor, spoiled little face! That was definitely my most ridiculous moment of the week.
     Anyway just two more sleeps and I'm off for 7 days. And staff are starting to arrive back from their vacation/days off so we're not so short anymore so I expect things to be a little easier the last two days I'm here. It's been a challenging three weeks this time!!

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