Sunday, October 31, 2010

Day 6 already???

     Holy smokes time flies when you're having a blast! Have I mentioned that I really love being busy like this? I truly mean that, the adrenaline just runs.
     I really wanted to get into the Halloween spirit, but just had a few moments of jocularity. Lena and I went into "town" last night and I picked up a clown wig and nose. I didn't keep them on, working in the back room seemed kind of pointless, but I did put them on and pop out the door whenever I heard people being happy and say "Who's clowning around out here?" It was good for a few laughs. Lena bought a witch hat with bright pink hair attached to it, and we got it on a Former Ess Employee Who Now Works For Shell Yet Shall Remain Nameless. Picture is included :)
     We had a great time in town last night. Went for dinner at McRays, which was delicious. Toodled around Wal Mart for a bit and got some supplies for the next week or so (I have the fridge again for a few days yet - got yogurt!) Picked up some Halloween treats for the front desk and yacked and yacked! We didn't get lost, which is a great bonus. I keep worrying that I'll miss one of the turns into camp (the roads are named, but no signs that I could see!). The signage is pretty good, but at night....I worry I'll end up in the Northwest Territories haha.
     Aimee sent me some picture messages today, one of Caden in his big boy underpants, and one of Caden in his costume. I was showing everyone, and had to add them to the slide show screen saver on my cell phone. I do miss my grandbabies!!
     I checked the weather network tonight, and actually it's 3 degrees (celcius) warmer here at camp than it is back in Stratford. It's 4 degrees celcius here, and 1 degree in Stratford. Sunrise in Ft. Mac is 8:32, sunset is 5:44. In Stratford, sunrise is 7:57 and sunset is 6:16. So we are getting just about 1 hour less of daylight right now.
     Chef set up a beautiful dessert table for Halloween. Candy apples, special decorated cupcakes, some yummy looking chocolate cake....trifle, jello in a clear glass (different colours). The camp Halloween dressup party was on Friday night. I was way too tired to go so did not see the costumes. I heard a good time was had by all haha. Some of the kitchen employees were all dressed up in the dining room, and we got talking to one of the ladies and she said that they got to leave an hour early if they dressed up. So there were skeletons, witches, mummies, etc picking up trays and cleaning tables. Albian Village does know how to put on a good party. Fort Mac was really busy last night, I guess there were a lot of parties and the stores were busy. They must know how to party in St. Mac too haha.
     I am going to bed early tonight and will try and get back into the posting routine!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Ah Wednesday.....

     If you read this blog, you know what Wednesdays mean. Yikes!! Yep, back at camp and into the thick of things. I arrived in Ft. McMurray yesterday at 7:15 am. Aimee flew out of Ft. Mac on Monday at noon and left her car there for me to bring back to camp. She sent me a text msg of the parking spot # and where exactly it was. I had no trouble finding the car, but once in noticed that it was in spot 261, not 231 like she told me. I quickly sent her a text msg and she replied that she was lucky she didn't get a ticket. Then I actually checked under the snow on the windshield and there it was. $85 ticket for no proof of payment. After a trip inside to talk to security, they assured me that they would void the ticket once she provided proof that she paid for the other spot. Then the drive to camp. I was a little nervous, since it's kind of confusing as there aren't really any signs with road names once off the main highway. However, I did find my way back without getting lost once :) As I stepped out of the car, I realized that the rain/snow mix I had driven in was actually freezing rain, and there was a layer on the car as well as icy conditions on the road. Hmm, I guess it's a good thing I didn't know that while I was driving? Must be good tires on that car! I got my room key, lugged all my bags up to my room and collected my work clothes from my friend Lena's room and looked at the clock; 9:30. Just enough time to dig through bags, find my work clothes, have a shower and be to work by 10 am. I like living on the edge, haha. We're short-staffed again right now so will be a whirlwind few weeks!
     The days are quickly shortening here, I compared. In Stratford right now, sunrise is at 7:52 am and here at camp, 8:23 am. Sunset back home is 6:22 pm and here it is 5:53 pm. The difference will grow now until the December equinox. I was really amazed looking at the weather back home, it's been so unseasonably warm! I guess it is here too, as on the radio yesterday they were commenting how it's the end of October and still no substantial snowfall.
     Well I am off to finish my laundry and get ready for work. Big flight day today, lots of people checking in!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Missed the mountains....

     Yep, we drove into Calgary today and wow, after being away from big cities this was just too much hustle-bustle. And we did miss the mountains! So we drove the 1 hour out to Canmore, back near the entrance to Banff National Park and got a beautiful room here for the night. Check out the pics, it's a fantastic find, again. The town is a lot like Banff and Jasper, little shops, restaurants, micro-breweries and wineries. Not too much open, since it is a Sunday night, but we did take a tour around before deciding on Wood Lounge for dinner. Great little place with a fireplace and cozy black leather armchairs around the tables. Not to mention the mountain scenery out the windows. This is another place that's nestled in the mountains so you get a beautiful view no matter which direction you look. I feel so fickle, since I loved the ocean so much and now I think it must be jealous of my mountain raving :)
     Tomorrow is my last day of vacation. And we are headed back into Calgary. We have a room by the airport, since my flight back to Ft. Mac is leaving at 6 am on Tuesday morning, and have to be at the airport at 5. Well I think I'm going to turn the fireplace on for a few minutes before bed, love it!

Back into civilization....

     Saturday night in Red Deer, like we never left home lol. If you look on a map, Red Deer is midway between Calgary and Edmonton, on the main highway #2. We're leaving for Calgary this morning, and hope to spend the rest of today touring around the southern part of the city, and tomorrow night staying near the airport in the north end so Monday will tour around that part of the city. I'm really noticing the shorter days now, I guess I'd better get used to it, only going to get shorter for another couple of months! Oh well all in all I think we've had a fine fall, except for that minor blip of snow on Sept 16 haha.
     We decided to take in a movie last night, but got lost trying to find the movie theater and missed the early showing, and just weren't up to staying for the late one. Red Deer has one long, long main street (which we've toured several times getting lost!) and I'm sure there's more to see, but the main street is very interesting and has everything you could want. The road divides around the center of the city, and both ways have an access road to reach the businesses along the way. The city looks very modern, even the "historic" downtown has a modern feel to it. I'm not sure the age of the city, but definitely has sprung up fairly recently.
     Oh by the way, Thor spent a good hour (maybe more) searching that animal that I have the picture of (having the late breakfast) and it is definitely an elk. We saw herds of bison on the drive as well, but were too far away to get good pictures.
     Well looks like we're in for some cloudy/rainy days here, and just above freezing. I think I'm glad most of our driving is done! Glad it's done in the mountains anyway. We sure had great weather for that part of the trip, even though I was cold and wished I had my boots :)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Banff here I come!!

     OK so I do have to work today, but I'm already practicing my "departure dance". People are so happy on their day to go home (after 21 days in a row, sometimes more) that they are singing and a few started a happy dance on the last day. Well, of course if it's not YOU leaving, the happy dance is very annoying! But when it's your turn, haha! Look out. I decided my departure dance would be done to "New York, New York" today. You know, "start spreading the news......I'm leaving today...." etc. Big big smiley face inserted here.
     I do work today, then fly out of Ft. Mac at 7:20 tonight to arrive in Calgary at 9:30. Unfortunately there is a stop in Edmonton, otherwise it would only take a bit more than an hour to get there. OH well, I don't have to get off the plane, it's just a short stop to exchange passengers.
     So far the plan is to spend the night in Calgary, pick up the rental car and head out to Banff. It's only an hour or so drive from Calgary. I was surprised, I had no idea it was that close. We'll go to Lake Louise and then figure out our route from there. I've heard so much about how beautiful it is that I'm very excited to hit those mountain roads!
     Last night I moved much of my stuff to Lena's room for storage so today will just have to bring a few last minute items (shampoo etc) over and check out. My feet are pretty excited I'll tell you!! I will catch up with pictures this week.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Saturday already??!!??

     Wow. What a week. We had an even crazier than normal crazy few days here. 'Nuff said about that. Oh I have two HUGE blisters on left foot toes. I want to pop them so bad, but I don't have any antibacterial ointment or cream or anything here so I think I'll just leave them. It was so nice to have a somewhat quiet Saturday, ahhhh.
     You can sure tell that snow is just around the corner. (again) I actually need a little bit of heat on in my room. I'm usually so hot from running all the time I didn't have it on and always opened my window, but the other morning was only about 15 in my room and I was shivering! Not in bed, since Tom found me a brand new comforter to put on my bed. It's nice and puffy and keeps me warm as toast.
     Well camp is as full as I've ever seen it since I've been here. Even the trailers outside, all 10 of them filled to capacity. I feel sorry for the guys coming off their day shift, as the lineup for food is right out of the dining room. Tensions were very high this week as there was a problem in the trailers and there was no water for about a full day to any of the trailers. Let's just say there were a lot of very frustrated, angry, tired and complaining men. Then in the middle of all that, one guy came to the counter, very angry, complaining about what a lousy, awful lunch facility we have here. Now you have to understand, the lunch area is open and available for people to make their own lunches in the morning and again in the evening. There are numerous sandwiches already made up, from pb&j to summer sausage, roast beef, turkey, chicken, veggie, cheese, egg salad, chicken salad, ham salad etc and leftovers from dinner are packed up, and burgers, pogo sticks, pizza pops, then there's apples, bananas, pears, sometimes plums. Then over in the next section you can make your own sandwich, with white, wheat and 12 grain bread, pitas, bagels and all the lunch meat, cheese slices (real cheese not Kraft singles) tomatoes, onions and other various garnishes you could ask for. Plus cut up cheese cubes, hard boiled eggs, pasta and potato salad to pack up, all kinds of drink boxes and fountain drinks. Oh and did I mention the treats? Always pastries, danish, muffins, rice krispie squares, different types of breads like banana bread, lemon loaf and cookies, chocolate, chocolate chip, oatmeal. And of course carrots, celery, cauliflower, broccoli and packages of dressings, dips, mayonnaise, cheese whiz, cream cheese etc etc etc. You get the picture. Anyway this guy is complaining (with his huge packed full lunch bag) about how lousy the lunch room is, and at other camps you get hot dogs (which we sometimes have too!) and he didn't even want to go to work!!!!! I just stared at him unbelievingly and calmly handed him the camp suggestion form so I wouldn't burst out laughing in his poor, spoiled little face! That was definitely my most ridiculous moment of the week.
     Anyway just two more sleeps and I'm off for 7 days. And staff are starting to arrive back from their vacation/days off so we're not so short anymore so I expect things to be a little easier the last two days I'm here. It's been a challenging three weeks this time!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wednesday - used to be hump day....

     Back in the real world, where hump day exists. Here, every day is pretty much the same. Well, except for Tues-Wed-Thurs are noticeably busier and crazier than the other days of the week. I really have to get a pedometer to see how many miles I put on in a day. That's in addition to the one mile I walk for my personalized fitness program :)
     I added a picture of the World Famous cupcake, imagine taking the time to decorate cupcakes like that when you're making them for 2600 people!! There were several different designs too. I forgot to mention yesterday Sarah the baker brought in some treats for the office staff, chocolate raspberry trifle. Garnished with fresh raspberries. She was delivering them around, came in to see me and said "I KNOW you will want one!". Sigh, my sweet tooth reputation precedes me.
     My pet peeve of the day is.......people that call the front desk from their room and ask for their call to be transferred to another room. And they do it  A LOT. Makes me absolutely crazy, when we are busy, the phone is ringing off the wall, and it's someone saying "can you connect me to Bobby Orr's room?" I just want to scream at them READ YOUR WELCOME PACKAGE AND FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS TO DO IT YOURSELF!!!!! Of course, it would take longer to do that than to actually transfer the call, so I end up doing it. It is a little confusing but the directions are clear....I figured out how to do it!! Plus...each room's phone has a direct line number. You can call it FREE, just dial the number. Sometimes I don't mind when the person doesn't know the room number and I have to look it up, but when the same person calls for the same room more than once I start to lose my patience. In fact, I notice my patience gets shorter the more days I'm here, LOL. This time I am here 22 days instead of 21 as my rotation changed by 1 day to allow me to take advantage of Monday flights, which are generally cheaper than Sunday flights.
     Oh and by the way, the new pictures I've added of the skies and cupcake were taken on my cell phone. It has a memory card. Have you ever seen a memory card for a cell phone? It looks a lot like an SD memory card for a digital camera, except it's 1/4 of the size. Yes, it's that tiny. I dropped mine today and I felt like I was looking for a contact lens on the carpet it's that small. It comes with an adapter, which is like an SD memory card with a slot to slide the wee little one in. Sorry, sometimes small things amaze this small mind :)
     Anyway, I made a point NOT to nap this afternoon, as yesterday I could not get to sleep after I finished at 8:15 and was up way too late. I will be in bed by 8:15 tonight for sure!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The joys of split shifts....

     Actually, I don't mind it! I work 4 am - noon, then again 6 pm - 8 pm. In between, I worked out (thanks Hannah, for my personal fitness program), had a nap, finished a project, had dinner and then went back to work for a couple hours. I had a nap, so I am able to stay up past my 8 pm curfew :)
     Another week of confusion on Tues-Wed. I found one of those Staples "easy button"s and to keep some humour in the situation, I will push it to get the "That was easy!" message whenever some guy was just asking for a towel or had a question or something easy like that. Most of them have a sense of humour.
     Weather has continued to be nice, but it is starting to get cooler. I was still working up a sweat doing bathroom lockouts today. All over the map. And going as fast as I can, thinking of how I've had to call because my bathroom door was locked and you know, when you need in there, you need in there!! I had to leave my can-mate a friendly reminder as I've been locked out twice this turnaround!
     The dishwasher broke down in the kitchen last night. Well, actually it caught fire. Imagine hand washing dinner dishes for about 2600 people. I guess the dishwashers worked all night cleaning it up. Difficult because of health & safety standards...the water has to be a certain temp, plus the sanitizing. This morning for breakfast it was all disposables. It was fixed by dinner time tonight though, good thing! Imagine the garbage from disposables for 2600 people!
     Well I do have to hit the hay...3:30 a.m. comes awful early :)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sunday, Thanksgiving Eve :)

     Wow, the week flew by! Amanda got back on site yesterday, and she was greeted with a huge bear hug from me. Even though she is contagious with a cold/flu. She'll have to spend days getting things back on track, I'm sure.
     Well today was turkey dinner night. It was quite yummy too. The turkey was juicy, not dried out. The dressing was almost like Erb's, potatoes and gravy both good. Only thing missing was squash, turnip or sweet potato (or all three!) and pumpkin pie. There were some beautifully decorated cupcakes (the cupcakes are legendary here - fantastic buttercream icing and moist chocolate cake) I did get a picture but I'll post that another night.
     The beautiful weather has been continuing on. I've got outside most days, just to marvel in the warm autumn air and think about how the days will be growing shorter very quickly.
     I won't be going home on this rotation, I will be meeting Thor in Calgary. I've only ever been to the airport in Calgary, I've never seen the city. We'll rent a car and probably drive to Banff in the mountains. I'm quite excited about both seeing Thor after a couple of months and also driving through the mountains. I've heard such wonderful things about Banff and the mountains and how beautiful it is there. There are quite a few people from British Columbia that work here so can give the "ins" to seeing the area. What not to miss and stuff like that.
     I'm not doing Lena's 4 am to 2 pm shift while she's gone since Amanda is back. That means setting my alarm for 3:30 am. And yes, it is busy at 4 am. I had two bathroom lockouts to do. The second one, I got all the way over to H, the furthest dorm from the main building, and no sign of the guy with the lockout. He never did come back or call so not sure what he did. The nice thing about being off at 2 pm is the laundry is generally available and also the gym. Hannah the task master is back tomorrow so I'll beg for her help in getting me back on the exercise track.
     It was really nice to see Aimee again after 3 weeks. At least I'll have one family member around for Thanksgiving day tomorrow! The weekend has been fairly quiet. I remember my first weekend here and it was dead slow and I kept thinking I would be struggling in another job that had me watching the clock drag for a whole boring 10 hours. That's really funny now, as I can't wait for the weekend slowdown to catch my breath again. I make things harder on myself too. This afternoon for instance. I came back to my room from the front desk, threw a load of laundry in, went to exercise a bit in the gym, then came back for a shower. Oops, my towel was in the wash machine. Back down to the front desk to get a towel. Back to my room. Back down to give Aimee a shopping list (she's going into town tonight) and have dinner. Back up to my room. My mouse is dead. Back down to the front desk to get a battery. (That wasn't the problem, unfortunately. I guess I need a new mouse). Back and forth to laundry a few times. Now I'm looking at my bed (with the brand new comforter on it, fresh out of the bag. Thanks Tom!!) and can't wait to crawl in so I can get up at 3:30 again!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

2/3 of the way through

     Not that I'm counting down or anything :) Today was a bit better than yesterday, ok a lot better than yesterday but I'm still counting down. I'm kind of anxious to see Aimee again, she'll be back on Saturday. I haven't seen her for.....well, except for meeting briefly at the airport when I got in on Sept. 27, I haven't really seen her since I left on Sept. 19.
     Well I forgot to mention that we have some beautiful gerbera daisies in wonderful colours brightening up the place here and there. After the "big function" last week they were available for the taking. The front desk has a couple, my room has a couple. One is for Aimee when she gets back, I'm not being greedy. They are especially nice when you don't get outside for days at a time. And they are lasting beautifully. Change the water every couple of days and they're still looking nice.  Tomorrow I will get out again for some fresh air.
     So my friend Lena left today on her rotation. I will really miss her Cape Breton sense of humour and straight talking. Of course she's always feeding me, so maybe I'll lose some weight this week :) It's a different way of life, people coming and going all the time. You spend the vast majority of your time with the ones you work and live with, and then "vacation" with your family. Sometimes it's good, sometimes not so good. I think I would be having a harder time handling it if I had free time. With not much free time, you don't have much opportunity to think about what you miss. That's how I'm seeing it right now anyway. I have not been following Hannah's exercise plan, she'll be so disappointed in me when she gets back, haha. But I did walk the mile in the gym tonight. With 5 pound weights in each hand. And I actually RAN two of the laps. Definitely in better shape now than when I got here!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day 3 of 6

     Or is it 7? I'm just not sure when Amanda is back. I guess I'll plan on 7 and be really happy and surprised if she's back in 6 :)
     I cannot believe the beautiful weather we've been having. And Alberta skies are beautiful. I'm going to try and get some new pics today. Some outside shots (if I don't get caught!) The skies have been a beautiful blue and the loveliest wispy, smudgy clouds. And the sunsets and sunrises are just incredible. Just as a comparison, today is supposed to reach a high of 17 (63F) here and sunny. 18 tomorrow and 20 on Friday. Sun rises at 7:36, sets at 6:48. In Stratford, high of 14 (57F) and rain. Sun rises at 7:25 and sets at 6:57. The difference in daylight hours will really start to increase now, as the days will grow shorter in a faster manner than back home.
     Well Lena and I got out for a nice walk around camp for some exercise. We stopped in the back area to do some stretching, which of course is going to cause anyone to notice. We were both doing some calf stretches on a very large concrete block and some guys drove by in a truck and told us we'd have to push harder than that to move that block. We all got a good laugh out of that. Made it in to the management gym, which is smaller, not as many machines, but there were a few guys in there. Just enough to keep me from getting down on the floor to do Hannah's plan for the day. And I'm learning to put blinders on when picking up my breakfast and dinner for the day. And even lunch. I was hoping that would happen, lol.
     So yesterday I needed to get off the computer and out of the back windowless office I'm sitting in (just this week!) and volunteered to deliver a whole bunch of memos in B pod. All dorms. All floors. I tied on my new apron and put each floor in a pocket and away I went. I had on my "winter shirt" which has long sleeves, and was moving at a pretty good clip when I realized I was way overdressed for the weather, haha. The hallways in the pods were hot as blazes so of course my face goes beet red in a flush and I look like well, like I'm having a hot flash :) I thought why the heck aren't they opening the windows in the hallways, it's a beautiful day, there's a nice breeze. So every floor that I had to go close to the end (any rooms past about the 30's (e.g. 130, 230, 330 and up etc.) I would just finish the walk to the end where the window is and open it. So I'll say I opened 80% of the windows. Then I got back to the office and told my supervisor that I couldn't believe they didn't have the windows open, no wonder they keep calling in complaints that it's too hot. Then he informed me that they can't leave the windows open, it's a fire hazard. Oops. I said uh-oh, I'll bet people are going to be cursing me. Apparently housekeeping staff can open them while they are on the floor cleaning, then have to close them again when they leave. Oh well, security makes several rounds per day and they would just have to close them all. I've opened windows in the walkways from the pods to the camp as well when it was a nice day. So I guess if I see notices around asking people for their help in catching the notorious window opener, I will have to turn myself in. I didn't understand about the fire hazard part, but it's because if there was a fire, the fresh air from open window would just feed it.
     I'm off to start my day, hope everyone is having a good one!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Made it through Monday.....

     OK, it was only Day 1 of my stressful week, but I survived the first round. Lots of problems of course and I kept thinking....wait a minute, I don't remember signing up for this!! Amanda comes back on Saturday and I will be throwing my arms around her as soon as I see her :)
     I did the "upper body boot camp" last night. Little Hannah, who is probably 5 feet tall and 80 pounds soaking wet, and has strawberry blonde hair up in pigtails and this cute little Australian accent turns into one of those drill sergeant types as soon as class starts! LOL, no, not really, but it was a real workout, not just an excuse for an exercise class! I finished the class, but couldn't do all the laps around the gym in between the exercises. And half the time was for boxing. We had to pair up, and of course being the only female I was sure the guys were all wanting not to be stuck with a weakling, but one guy finally jumped in to offer to be my partner. He put the pads on first, and I punched. It was a great workout, I loved it! Then it was my turn to put the pads on. Well, I'll say this....holding those pads up and with enough force to match the punches was WAY HARDER than actually throwing the punches. My arms and shoulders were killing me. Not to mention the fact that I was a little afraid to see those big gloves coming at me at face level with just me and the pads stopping them! But all in all, I was very proud of myself and determined to keep it going. Now Hannah went home today so no classes until next week. But she made me up my own personal fitness plan and demonstrated all the exercises. I did a little bit tonight, but I did not want to go to the workout room in the evening as it's full of men. I tried to lasso another woman to go with me, but I had no takers. I don't think I could have done any of the weight or machine exercises anyway, my muscles are so sore. I did do the stretches so hopefully tomorrow I won't be totally seized up! It's a little unnerving as there are windows in the upper part of the gym that are along the hallway and guys are always stopping to watch, but I just figured you want to look...go ahead! I am determined to get fit anyway!
     Well camp is really full again, a ton of people showed up last night - no reservations. And a ton more coming in tomorrow and Wednesday. No idea what we're going to do. No more incidents of wild animals showing up at camp. Maybe they lost the security pass lol.
     I am finally getting assertive enough to keep those people on the serving line to stop loading on too much food! Played some darts again tonight. It was busy at the Albian Village Lounge tonight. Last time I played darts we were the only ones. This time every board was in use. I still haven't had my tour of the kitchen again, I'll have to ask the Food Services Manager Bill again.
     That's it for tonight....Ciao!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Wild Life at Albian

     Haha, I really meant wildlife, not the wild life! Yesterday morning when I got in to work, everyone was talking about the bear that wandered into camp. I guess it was a cub, and it came right up to the front doors. Security tried to scare it off, and they succeeded, except it ran right through the smoking tent and probably got disoriented and didn't know where to go. I heard that they called the ministry and they came down and got it tranquilized. This was about 3:30 in the morning, I didn't hear a thing. Then this morning, after I got in, security came to the desk and said there was a big bull moose out front. The H&S guy went out to investigate and I was trying to get him to take my camera for a picture....but he said it was gone by the time he got out. So it seems the wildlife is coming in to see what the heck is going on here. Or maybe they just smell food. The joke around here was that they probably got ahold of one security badge and were just passing it around so each species could get in and have a look around.
     Speaking of looks around...I bit the bullet and drove into town last night. I offered Melissa a ride home (she lives in Ft. Mac and takes the bus in and home every day) so she could be my guide and Lena accompanied me as well. We just wanted to get away from camp for a bit and visit the Wal Mart. So we drove 1 hour into Ft. Mac, Melissa took us past the Wal Mart so we knew where it was, then we dropped her off at home (actually Wood Buffalo, which is a suburb of Ft. Mac proper) and headed back to Wal Mart. Might I mention that Lena is no better at directions than me (so she said) and we were worried about getting too far off track, so we ended up having dinner at the McDonald's in the Wal Mart! Next time we'll do it up right. It was great to spend 20 minutes zipping around and picking up a few small items. I bought a pkg of individual yogurts for my room since I have a fridge in here right now. I figured I should make use of it a little. We had a great time, like a couple of kids out past curfew. I thought we should let Melissa know that we arrived back at camp safe & sound, but Lena had a better idea. She called Melissa and asked for her address, told her that we stopped in at The Keg and had a few too many, couldn't drive back and needed to crash at her place for the night. And we were bringing the open wine plus the guys we picked up :) Melissa was a little taken aback for a few seconds, until she realized she'd just been "punked". Poor Lena had to work at 4 am today and we didn't get back here until almost 10 pm. My alarm went off at 5:30 as usual, and I thought I wanted to sleep for another half hour so I reset the alarm for 6 and went back to sleep. I opened a corner of my eye and realized it was sort of light out, which shouldn't be happening at 6 am, so I jumped up and saw that I forgot to SAVE the alarm (I use my cell phone as alarm) and therefore it didn't go off. It was 6:53 and I had to work at 7. Yikes! I was a couple of minutes late but obviously missed breakfast. Good thing I had those yogurts in my fridge!
     So Amanda left me all alone in her job today. I'm sort of in denial about all the things that could go wrong this week, just trying to not think about it. Mid afternoon I asked one of the other ladies if she wanted to go for a smoke break. (neither of us smoke, but the ones that do always get smoke breaks!) So we went out for a walk around the camp for 5-10 minutes and what a beautiful day! The temp was up to 18 degrees today (64 for you Americans) and such a gorgeous, glorious blue sky. It was breathtaking, really. Only had it for about 10 minutes but what a pick-me-up that was.
     It's almost 6:15 and I told Hannah I was coming tonight to do her fitness class at 6:30 and she said she'd write up a personalized fitness plan for me. Here I go!! I actually went and bought a sports bra for the occasion :)
     Take care all, and enjoy!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

5 o'clock mornings....

     I was never a morning person and look at me now, up at 5 every morning. OK, please don't mistake that for enthusiasm, hahaha.
     The other night, there were two incidents of people setting off fireworks just outside two of the pods. One of them mine. HELLO!!!???? This is an oil sands camp!!! There is a refinery just across the street. How stupid can people be??? I was quite upset to hear about that, thinking about these buildings we sleep in, which are essentially modular buildings stacked on top of each other, and how quickly they would go up in flames and got very angry at the recklessness of someone doing that. Ok, that's my rant for the day.
     I did make it outside yesterday, it was beautiful!! I was squinting like a mole of course, not having seen sunlight since Sunday. There wasn't much going on, I didn't see any monster equipment. There's been no rain for a few days so the dust is all over again. The rain was kind of nice, wetting everything down and keeping the dust down.
     I am still anxious to get into town, but just haven't had the chance. Maybe tonight or tomorrow night.
     Last night was "open mic" night at the lounge. I was hoping to go for a bit, but again, these 5 am mornings have me wilted by 7 pm. I just want to crawl into bed after having dinner and getting back to my room. I have been telling Hannah, the rec director, every day that I would be coming to see her to get my workout plan. Then by the time I'm finished my dinner, I'm skulking back to my room hoping I don't run into her.
     Well today is my last day training with Amanda, she leaves tomorrow. I feel pretty confident about most of the things, but I know that next week when the crunch comes I'll be cursing my life, haha. The big problem here is that on Wednesdays we get about 300 people arriving. On Thursdays we get a bunch leaving. That means when they come in on Wed, we are in a room shortage situation. The powers that be are trying to work out a solution to this problem, and I wish I could just change the system, but I can't. After working for a "root cause" man for 7 years, I just want to fix it for good! It just sounds like it's been happening this way since this place existed, and nobody wants to take the initiative to get everyone involved on board and put some policies in place. Oops, I already had my rant for the day and there I go on another one!!
     OK I'm off for breakfast and to get an early start on the workday. Enjoy!

Friday, October 1, 2010


     Still have not been outside to enjoy the beautiful fall weather since I got in. I tried yesterday, but then I was told the outside doors of the dorms were locked, so I had to take the inside route anyway. Oh wait, I ended up not going at all to deliver a memo, someone else did. Wow, I've really been locked in!! I hope I can at least get out for a quick runaround today.
     The special VIP guests should be gone today, and hopefully things get back to normal for pete's sake. I was so tired yesterday and so tired of listening to guys complain I was ready to lose it on somebody! I hate when I get like that. I stayed out of the line of fire as much as possible. I'm like the wouldn't like me when I'm angry :c)
     Hopefully today I will FINALLY get going on the cross-training, as Amanda now leaves Sunday. I've done nothing but put out fires for the last three days. Not literally, of course. haha!
     Sorry this is a disappointing short post, but my mind is on getting to the job. Hopefully can check in later with some newsy chat!