Thursday, September 16, 2010

Yes.....September 16

     Still officially summer. Yes, that is snow today in Albian Village. When I came out the end of August, I didn't bring any winter gear because I would be home before winter set in, and could bring back the coat, boots, gloves etc when I came back. So here I am with no coat or boots, and snow on the ground!! Most of it melted away and it turned to rain as the day wore on, but those pictures were taken about 1 pm.
     So I got to see some of the camp and some of Ft. McMurray yesterday. Unfortunately, it was from the back window of an ambulance. I had some nasty heartburn happening, and it was actually incapacitating, so I had to go to the medic. I had Aimee and the GM accompanying me in the pickup truck over there. They of course assume a possible cardiac episode, and did as much testing as they could there, then transported me via ambulance to the main camp medic area where they have a doctor, and he decided even though the EKG was fine, I needed more testing, so again via ambulance into Ft. Mac. I objected, as by that time I was starting to feel better, but they had me captive by then so away I went. Spent a few hours with more testing and everything turned out good so they sprang me. Except now I was in Ft. Mac, all by myself, no money, no cell phone!!! I called Aimee and said HELP!! So she sent a taxi to pick me up and bring me back to camp. The driver was very nice, very chatty. He had to stop for gas and wanted to get a drink of juice, and asked if I wanted one, and I told him I had no money or anything, so he bought me one. Very nice gesture, I thought. Then he said he'd put the value x 20 on the company's tab, haha.
     Getting around the camp is very bumpy. VERY bumpy. I was strapped to a stretcher, but wow, good thing I wasn't having a baby or something like would have been a ride to remember! I was treated very nicely, and I think they were just bored and over-reacted but it did give me the first ambulance ride of my life.
     Other than that....we had almost full capacity here at camp, meaning almost all 2,950 rooms were full. People were coming in droves that didn't have confirmations or reservations, and we were putting them wherever we could. So the next few days will be straightening out the mistakes. Some of the men will be very happy, (the ones in the trailers that are supposed to be inside) and others are rather irate and threatening to quit their jobs (inside and have to move to the trailers). Wah wah. It's not us that decide where they have to go, it's an agreement between their company and Shell, but they don't want to hear that. They just want to hear that we really made a mistake and they are really supposed to be inside.
     Well, three more sleeps and I'm heading home. To pack my winter coat and boots, haha!

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