Friday, September 3, 2010

Leave comments! Send mail!

     Haha, I feel like a kid at camp, or working away from home for weeks at a time. Oh yeah, I am! Yes, I would love to hear from you, either snail mail or leave comments or e-mail. Just in case, my mailing address is:
                           Shelly Denomme
                           Albian Village
                           PO Box 5328
                           Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 3G4

      Not that I'm begging or anything.
     I was just too wore out to blog last night. I can't believe how the ten hours fly by! There is always something to do, and I just love it! I love being busy and feeling like I'm accomplishing. Bring it on! It was a gorgeous day yesterday. I only got to enjoy a bit of it during my first fire alarm. Everyone has to leave the building and go to the designated "muster station" and wait for the all-clear before you can get back in. It happened during the dinner hour, which meant that the kitchen staff had to clear all the trays left on the tables and re-feed everyone. I had already had my dinner, so it just affected the long line up at the front desk. Luckily, most of those waiting were patient, as we were doing the best we could to get everyone checked in, out, or fix their room key.
     I'm trying to gather some pictures of the local wildlife here. I'm hoping I get to see some first hand! One of these days I'll spring the blog thing on my co-workers and see if I can get permission to get some pictures to post. I don't want to step on any toes though, so I'll tread carefully :)

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