Monday, May 16, 2011

Yes, there are wildfires in northern Alberta...

     I thought I had to make a quick post as I see the wildfires in Alberta are in the news. Yes, there are many wildfires, most of them out of control. It's dry, it's warm, it's very windy. Yes, Slave Lake has been evacuated and many of the buildings there have burned. No, we have not been evacuated. There was one news report that I found today that said Canadian Natural Resources (CNRL) and Albian Sands site have been evacuated. They have not. We were making preparations last night to take in some people that were evacuated, but it never happened. Right now everyone is on alert in case as anything can happen with forest fires out of control. Last night I could smell smoke in the wind, but I haven't yet today. I didn't take the picture I posted, I pulled it off a news website. One of our girls was in town yesterday and could see the smoke and the water bombers and took some pictures, but I don't have them. Just wanted to make sure if anyone sees any of the reports, we are all safe and sound and no flames are threatening us just yet anyway! Will update later.

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