Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Danger is passed

     Well for the moment anyway. Woke up to clouds, and thought maybe we'd be lucky enough to get some rain, but no such luck. However there was NO smoke visible from any of the windows I looked out today, so they have taken off in another direction. We didn't have one call today to see if we were evacuating. The mood was a little lighter around here, which was nice after a tense few days. Now I can really count down my sleeps until I go home. Only 4 counting tonight.
     Not sure if I mentioned the changes in the lunch room but it's really been pimped up! Funny the things that get you excited some days. Chicken caesar salad and corn pops....(not together of course). It is a big hit with all the guests and staff. Want a can of smoked oysters or sardines? No problem, pick them up in the lunch room (blech). I do appreciate the individual yogurts, packaged fruit salads and individual cereal boxes and cartons of milk though. I always did like a bowl of cereal for a bedtime snack :)
     So I will be going home, where it has been raining almost nonstop for almost 2 weeks, from this dry dry dry air and dusty ground, to what sounds like a rain forest in my backyard. I may have to go buy a machete to muscle it under control. They water the road around camp here several times a day to keep the dust down. Watch out if you are walking around has no mercy and will sprinkle anything in it's path.
     So mom, here is the picture of my "office". My desk. My 2 computer screens. My water bottle, bulletin board with Caden calendar, picture of Kylee, my Hero award for my "Constant Drive and Passion". That's about it.

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