Thursday, January 27, 2011

Vacation Eve

     Yes, tomorrow I set off on my winter vacation. Ft. Mac to Edmonton, switch planes, Edmonton to Toronto, switch planes, Toronto to Windsor, get picked up in truck, drive to Detroit. Detroit to Orlando, switch planes, Orlando to San Juan. Then aaaahhhhhhh.Weather has been very odd here, the temp hovering around the freezing mark and rain/freezing rain all day. Then tonight the temp started plummeting, and by tomorrow morning should be around -16, a bit of snow and wind. Ok yes, I'm STRESSING about getting to the airport because this itinerary is like dominoes, if one tips a little....the whole chain will crash. But I'm optomistic! I'll be feeling the warm Caribbean breeze by Saturday night :)
     Camp has gotten a lot fuller this week, and things seem more back to normal. Dining room is hopping and lineups for dinner and the lunch room. Luggage room is busy with people coming and going. We have a good team at the front desk and aside from some flu bugs going around, all seems to be right here in Albian world.
     The refinery seems to be running full tilt....just by the steam coming out of all the chimneys. Cranking out the diesel that will power up a nation....and then some. Of course I know there is controvery over the oil sands development, and then I read objection to wind turbines, and objections to electric cars, and objections to solar power, and objections to nuclear power, and I can't help but wonder how do people think they are going to fuel their vehicles, heat and cool their homes, and power their communication tools, tv's and other energy users?
     Anyway, some food for thought for another blog....I will catch up when I can, will likely be at least a week. Check back after Feb 5!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Long time no post!!!

     Wow, sometimes it just gets away on me. Time, that is. Weird weather!?! Today it was +3 this morning. That translates into 37 degrees F. And -21 in Stratford, which translates into -6 degrees F. I thought I was looking at the weather reports in reverse! Although now the temperature has dropped all day and is now -14 C, or 6 degrees F. Very strange day. I have not been outside since I got dropped off by the taxi last Friday night. We had a fire alarm one day, but it was cold enough we went to the gym, not outside.
     Camp is still eerily quiet. I keep waiting for a sudden influx of guests, as we keep hearing about expansion, expansion, expansion. We are running at about 2/3 capacity right now, around 1700 guests, and room for 2,500.
     We have almost all new staff at the front desk now. Weird to feel like the veteran after only being here for 5 months. Almost. I still miss my friend Lena very much. She's not too far from here, working at another camp now. Although there's no visiting at other camps, security is just too tight. I believe I am old enough to be everyone's mother now. All but one. It's all good though, everyone is nice and the team works together well.
     I've been trying to eat sparingly this last while, in preparation for my cruise holiday. Only 5 more sleeps and I start that journey. It is going to take me 5 flights to get to San Juan. Ft. Mac to Edmonton. Edmonton to Toronto. Toronto to Windsor. Drive to Detroit Metro. Detroit to Orlando. Orland to San Juan. Board the ship and 5 islands in a row. That forecast looks a pretty steady sun and 77 degrees. Yummy. I plan to soak up enough vitamin D to last me the rest of the winter.
     I don't plan on bringing my laptop so I will be out of reach for a couple of weeks. I'll be sure to get pictures and keep a travel diary to share when I get back.
     Meanwhile, I had better get my towels out of the dryer and maybe watch a little TV before bed!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Happy Day....

     I never thought I could get so excited to see a finally arrived yesterday afternoon. Meanwhile I had borrowed shoes, socks, work pants, and yes, even underwear. Being in my own clothes and shoes today will be a real treat. Ah, the simple things in life.....haha.
     It's starting to warm up here. Well, relatively speaking. It was only -23 this morning, as opposed to -36 yesterday morning. I actually had to get another comforter for my bed. The windows have a thick coating of ice INSIDE. When I look out my window across to the next dorm, you can see people have drinks etc in their "window fridges" lol. And of course the days grow longer...nice to see dawn starting to break shortly after 8 now.
     I decided I need to take advantage of the fitness facilities here. Yesterday, I shot baskets in the gym. That's a pretty good workout for someone who doesn't move around enough. Worked on a few of the upper body machines too. Today, a couple of the girls and I are supposed to meet in the gym and do some boxing. Hey it beats being bored on the treadmill! And I love to punch things :)
     One of the big contractors here was shut down for a safety violation, so all their workers have been sitting around for something like 4 days with no work. They were supposed to go in last night, but that was cancelled and they were just gradually finding out last night. Then they started leaving in droves. The expansion trailers out at the back are being de-commissioned and will no longer be in use. That takes 490 rooms out of our allotment, so the big influx this week should be interesting!
     Well it's off to the gym I go. Only 10 more sleeps till I fly out for the sunny south!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

-33 and no luggage....

     Yep, arrived back at camp late, after being on a plane FULL of people and lots of crying children. Many flights had been delayed and cancelled because of weather, so they filled this one to the rafters. We got in to Ft. Mac about 40 minutes late, and then half of the luggage didn't make it. What a procedure that was. After we realized that there was no more luggage coming on the carousel, it was a mad dash to the Air Canada counter to report missing bags. After a phone call (in lieu of standing in line to report) I discovered my bag was still sitting in Toronto. They advised it would be here the next afternoon, which was Saturday. So now it's Sunday night and still nothing. The web tracer website only says it's en route to the forwarding airport. Calling the "delayed baggage" hotline number gets me to a call center in some country where English is not the official language, and I cannot understand most of what's being said. What I did understand is the last two times I called, someone was supposed to call me back and didn't. the meanwhile, I had to borrow shoes, borrow pants for work, buy deodorant at the camp store (for $6), and scrounge for shampoo, conditioner, moisturizer and only hope it will show up soon! Oh, and did I mention it was -33 degrees? That's without any windchill factoring in. However, on the bright side....on Jan 29, we will be on route to San Juan, Puerto Rico for our 7 day southern caribbean cruise! Sounds like I just won a prize on a game show, haha.
     Before I forget....Dee, if you are reading this...thanks for the card!! It was only my second piece of mail up here so I was quite surprised and what fun! It got lots of laughs as I shared it with everyone around.
     So...other than not having luggage, and the cold weather, there is not much new here. Some new people starting at the front desk, so hopefully up to a full complement of staff. Not sure how long that will last, as one more of the people that was here before me is leaving at the end of the month.
     I must sign off now and rinse out my unmentionables....again.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Things are not always what they seem....

     Well the position could only be temporary, as the head office people wouldn't approve it, as it's a "conflict of interest" to have an employee reporting to a family member, no matter how they tried to spin it. So it's back to the status quo of front desk and reservations. I also gave up my nice private bathroom as I couldn't justify why I would have that, I was hearing through the grapevine that it was making for hard feelings. I have heard from my friend Lena, and it seems there are many opportunities at the camp she is now working at, so I may pursue that.
     My time at home has gone way too fast, and it seems that it took me days to recuperate from taking the red-eye home midnight on Friday night. I had all kinds of things to do since I won't be home my next rotation. That's my vacation cruise/stay in San Juan leaving on Jan 29. I had to renew my driver's license (needed a new picture), my license plates (needed an emissions test), prescriptions, get my property tax amount (notices haven't come out yet and will be due before I'm home again), get a I have to pack for my cruise vacation and bring with me out to camp since I won't be coming home before that. Oh, I think I just had a brainwave on that one.....ok, well I've got to get to it. I will catch up again once back in camp.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Surprise, surprise

     Yep, yesterday brought all kinds of surprises. Seems the position of Jr. Accountant opened up, and I got asked if I was interested in working with my daughter. Took me by surprise, but of course!! I don't know how much she'll be able to take of me, haha but we'll now be working in the same office :)  The other surprise of the day was the offer of a management room. Yes, a private room! With my own bathroom!! NO toilet seat wars!! And a REAL shower! I can shave my legs again!!! Yes, all very exciting. See the pics on the side. It's a bigger room, has a huge recliner, bigger tv, a fridge, queen size bed, and a larger desk with drawers. I am so excited about a real shower, with a seat. LOL, funny how these things make a person's day.
     Well another new person starts tomorrow. Another one of us that have a few years of life experience under our belt :) I just realized I have not been outside in a whole week. I have noticed the days starting to get a bit longer, and it's been clear, so a glimpse of the sky now and then. And things are starting to pick up, I think we're up to around 800 in house now. By the end of the week, we'll probably be up around 2,000 again so you can imagine how busy it's going to be, and running on a skeleton crew.
     I'm still trying to make sense of the way these dorms are lettered. It doesn't seem to make any sense, so I've come up with little tricks to remember the dorms that are closest, and furthest from the core building. In B pod, closest dorms are O and K, so OK, that's easy. The furthest dorms are H and L, so High and Low. In C pod (my new home) closest are T and Y, so Thank You...and the furthest are P and U. I could have thought of UP, but I thought PU was funnier.
     Take care all, and I'll check in again soon!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 2011!

     Hi all! Hope all my friends and family had a safe and happy transition into 2011. Here at camp a handful of us rang in the new year with a toast and the traditional greeting. As everyone lives in a different time zone, there were happy new years all evening, starting at 8:30 (midnight in Newfoundland). Yeah, I never could figure out that half hour difference for Newfoundland time, but the Newfies in the group were all calling 8:30 the new year.
     It's been very quiet, which is a really good thing, as we have only had 4 front desk staff (including myself in the reservations role right now) to hold down the fort these last few days. And one of those people just started on Tuesday! The next week will be crazy, because of the reservation system, we really don't know how many people are arriving and when, but we know we'll pretty well be up to full steam by the 5th at the latest. That means probably 1200 or so people arriving over the next 4 or 5 days. Hahaha! Oh well, there are over 800 rooms on hold, so we know all those people coming back will have a room, and that makes it easy.
     There have been a lot of changes in housing, but I think it will really be a good thing, as some of the things we were doing needed updating and streamlining, so it feels like "out with the old, in with the new". Myself, I like to move the furniture around. Since I can't really do that here, I started cleaning out the back room. We have recently done it to accommodate another desk back there, but I think more would be beneficial. We need more storage space, and we need to quit moving around things that are no longer needed (outdated or redundant). A good clean sweep is always uplifting! Speaking of sweeping....the luggage room A is very dirty and dusty, so maybe that will be on the agenda for today, lol.
     Chef had a lovely dinner last night, there was a seafood casserole (not for me, I'm not a seafood eater) but everyone was exclaiming how delicious it was, with lobster, scallops and large shrimp in a cream sauce. There were also roasted Cornish hens, beef short ribs, pizza, spaghetti, wild rice, various vegetable selections, roasted potatoes, gravy. All very yummy.
     I am off to breakfast, then start work at 7. Temperature here last night was -25. I haven't poked my nose outside since I arrived here last Sunday, so I wouldn't have known! I did notice though that at 8:30 you could see that it was almost dawn. Nice to see how quickly the days will get longer.