Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Yep, Christmas has finally come to Albian Village

     It seems very strange, because in the "real" world it's been Christmas since Halloween! But the decorating has been done over the weekend, thanks to a very ambitious, dedicated and hard-working general manager. Thanks Katy! I'll get pictures of the trees in the dining room and the lounge sometime today, maybe. It's going to be a busy day. Many arrivals, not enough rooms, same story.
     So a trip into town yesterday morning was in order. The weather was quite strange, it's like it wanted to be foggy, but it was so cold it was just freezing. I didn't get a picture but everything was coated with a thick white frost. It was about -20 yesterday morning when we were heading in, so try and imagine fog in that temperature. Yikes!
     Anyway I have to go to work, but I wanted to get something new up for my faithful readers! Tomorrow will be a better blog!

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