Friday, December 3, 2010

22 Days until Christmas??!!!????

     My goodness it feels like my life is flashing before my eyes. Well I had a challenging time since I've arrived back here. Morale seemed to be at a very low ebb for everyone, not just me. And that stuff feeds on itself and seems like the malaise spreads. However, the last couple of days have been better as I've decided to take on the world, or at least this company, or at least this camp! I have ideas about procedures and processes and just all kinds of things that I've decided to take to a hirer level and see where it goes. Anyway I'm feeling motivated and full of ideas to make things better and I've tasked myself with some projects and there's nothing I love better than a special project :)
     There seems to be a lot of colds and flu going around camp too. I very rarely get sick these last few years KNOCK ON WOOD!!!!! so I am hoping to weather the sickness storm unscathed.
     Here's today's comparisons for temp and daylight hours...
          Temp is -5C or 22F
          Sunrise is 7:37 am
          Sunset is 4:48 pm
     Ft. MacKay
          Temp is -21C or -6F
          Sunrise is 8:38 am
          Sunset is 3:50 pm
     It's very strange to look out the window at 8 am and see PITCH BLACK. And dusk setting in around 3:15. There hasn't been a whole lot of snow, just some new fluffies every day to keep things nice and clean. I haven't been outside in a few days, but will for sure the next while. I just worked 7 days of 7 am - 5 pm, then 1 day of 4 am - 2 pm, then I'll have 8 days of 2 pm - midnight, 1 day of 10 am - 8 pm, then another 4 am - 2 pm and I leave that day in the afternoon. Then I will be home for 13 days! Will feel very strange indeed.
     I guess possibly this weekend they will be bringing out the camp Christmas trees and decorations. I'm game for doing some decorating and trying to get into the mood. Very different than in the "real" world, where you've been getting bombarded with Christmas almost since Halloween. And it's very strange that I have 24 hours off between shifts! I finished at 2 pm today and don't go in until 2 pm tomorrow. I remembered to turn off my alarm (I would have been REALLY cranky had I forgotten and had it going off at 3:15 am!!). I remembered to put the Do Not Disturb sign and Please clean after 2 pm signs on my door. Now I'm hoping for a nice sleep-in and relaxing morning tomorrow!!
     At dinner tonight Lena and I were talking to a gentleman from Houston Texas who is here working. I asked if he'd ever been here in the winter, and he said yes once, just briefly. He said the temp was -40 (which by the way is exactly the same for Celcius and Fahrenheit at that temp) and he was outside on a clear, calm day and decided to take a picture. He said he took off his glove for a few seconds to snap a picture and couldn't believe how cold his hand got in those few seconds. Apparently frostbite will set in within 10 minutes for exposed skin at that temp. I think I disagree with that, and I think it may even be quicker than that. Anyway, he will be here in camp through the winter and is really looking forward to experiencing a Northern Alberta winter. Haha.
     Anyway, take care all, I'm calling it a night!

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