Monday, June 6, 2011

And back to work I go....

     Not that anything has changed with the fire situation, it's still out of control and nearby, but the area has been smoke free for a few days now so those of us working from home have been summoned back to work. I have been ready to get back, it's frustrating trying to do some things from home because I'm missing parts etc. So now I have to get to work eating up all the perishable groceries I bought last week, haha.
     So last week at camp a bear found a way inside the fence and was helping himself to the garbage outside one of the dorms. He was right near one of the back exit doors of one of the dorms. Some surprise that would have been for anyone coming out that door. Oh, hello bear! Excuse me, I think I'll just go back in and maybe stay inside until you leave!
     Will update once I get back to camp.

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