Monday, August 1, 2011

Dog Days of Summer...

     I was home for 11 days, and it was nice to have that length of time off, but it was SO hot and nasty that I pretty much just hid out in the A/C, haha. Funny how people that are from this area think that they are having really humid weather. Come on!!! I just look at them like they've got two heads. You haven't seen humidity until you've been in Southwestern Ontario in the summer.
     It's strange thinking that it's almost a year since I came out here. I didn't imagine at the time that I would still be here and yet, here I am! Aimee has gone, her last day was last week. Her leaving has certainly left a large hole, as she was very well liked and respected. Funny I have had a couple of people that just found out I am her mom, haha. I don't know how anyone could miss Chef's big booming voice calling out "Hi Jomama!" in the hallways, and maybe wonder WHY he's calling me Jomama. Aimee has called me that for years and it sort of picked up and spread here.
     The days are starting to get shorter, sunset is around 9:41 today. The reason I know this is that Ramadan starts today. There is a fairly substantial number of Muslims here that celebrate/observe Ramadan and I've been asking questions and learning a bit about it. For those observing, it's sort of like a month-long lent. They will not take anything by mouth, not even a sip of water, from sunrise to sunset. At sunset, they have a meal. The kitchen has planned/prepared special meals for the month, with the dining room opening up at 9:30 pm. All are invited to join in, if they please. I would love to but it's too late for me, since I get up at 5 am. Maybe I will suck it up and stay up later in the month when sunset is a bit earlier :)
     I haven't heard any recent bear or moose or even coyote stories since I've been back, maybe they have the holes in the fence plugged up, ha ha.

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