Monday, December 27, 2010

Yep....back in the Mac

     Arrived back at camp around 1 am this morning. I thought I worked at 8 am, but something made me call down to the front desk when I got in and check. No, I was to start @ 6 am. So needless to say, I didn't get much sleep last night! And my room was WAY too warm. I don't know who cranked my baseboard heater up, but I guess it's not really cold right now (only -17, or 0 F) compared to when I left (-30) so maybe it was just catching up. It's a real ghost town around here. Only about 400 + people at camp right now, compared to usually at least 2,000. The dining room is 2/3 blocked off, with everyone sitting in just the center section, and that's not even crowded. This morning, from the time I came in at 6 until about 10, I think I had 6 people. And wow, our staffing looks way different. Of the people in the picture I posted way down below, I think there are only 3 of us still here. Lena has left, Amanda B has left, Hilary is gone, Joanne is gone, Little Katie is not coming back, Thelma left today, and is coming back in a different role, not front desk, our perky little Aussie rec director Hannah is gone. I know it's the nature of the place for people to come and go, it just seems really weird that of 10 housing associates, I started Aug 31 and am 3rd on the seniority list. Personally, I'd like to see more attention paid to retention of staff, but then what do I know, haha.
     Well not much has changed around the camp. No trailers are in use, not needed. All the Christmas decorations are still up. There are no lines in the dining room. I'm just glad to have a few days to catch my breath (Amanda S left this afternoon on her days off, so I'm reservations again) before ramping up. I keep hearing that the sites are going to be really expanding in January, so it will be busy busy again within the week. Aimee comes in on Wednesday, and everyone that is here now (almost all of the ESS staff) that were here for Christmas are going out on Wednesday, and everyone that was home for Christmas are all coming back on Wednesday. Apparently there will be a "fancy dress" New Year's Eve party. I brought my new heels!
     We have some new front desk staff, one started last week, one starts tomorrow, another one next week. I'm apparently going to be the "trainer" for the new staff. That's ok, we're developing a formal "training manual" and I'm helping with that too. At least things will be more standardized for when the many new staff start, haha.
     So we just passed the shortest day of the year, the winter solstice, on Dec 21 so now the days will start to get longer. Right now:
     Stratford sunrise:    7:55 am
                    sunset:     4:54 pm
     Fort Mac sunrise:   9:01 am
                     sunset:    3:51 pm
It was lightly snowing today, making the roads a little slippery for people driving in. OK I am off to unpack!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Only 4 sleeps til Christmas!

     It's been a busy turnaround for me, but wow have I been enjoying my days off!! I said I wasn't going to do much shopping, only stockings for my brood, but stockings for 11 can be quite a task! I spend some time in Listowel with my good friend Julie, and of course, did some baking. It's not all done yet, I'll be baking for another couple of days. Sure makes my usually empty house smell good.
     I am sitting here at my kitchen table, watching out the patio door, and I cross-country skiers just zipping by. There are city-owned trails out behind my house, and people are putting them to good use! I don't see this many people in the summer, when it's walking trails. I remember those days of cross country skiing. I wish I had the ambition to do that again.
     Well Aimee arrived home last night, and tomorrow is the start of the rest of the family arriving. Thursday is our Big Day. I think it's been well over a year since all my kids were in the same city, in the same house at the same time. I can't for the life of me remember when it was??? I'm thinking the last time was the Christmas in St. Marys, when I found out I was going to be a grandmother.
     Well the temperature is just below the freezing mark the last couple of days here. I do believe that this damp Ontario cold is "colder" than the dry Alberta cold. This just kind of creeps into your bones. I think it may be time for a hot chocolate! Then, back to baking and making preparations for the influx of revellers.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

31 Below and Falling....

     Oh ok, it's not falling. It's actually supposed to warm up, to a whopping high of -17 by Monday. With the wind chill factored in, it feels like -44 right now. Now that I'd actually know, LOL. I have managed to avoid going outside since my shopping trip into town last week.
     Last night was the Albian Village Christmas Party at the lounge. The guy that was supposed to play his guitar and sing to entertain us got laid off this week, so Christmas Karaoke was the fill in. I had to work until 8, and then get back to my room and pretty up so barely got to the lounge before last call at 8:45. Luckily Aimee got me a couple of spiced rum & eggnogs, because the line was right across the bar for last call. It was nice to see everyone dressed up. I only got the picture of our youngsters dressed up at the tree, because I only had my phone for a camera and it doesn't have flash. Too dark in the bar. And to get a chance to dress up. However, the dress shoes I brought to go with my dress are past their "best before" date, unbeknownst to me". Ok, I probably did beknownst it, but with my memory, I'd forgotten. They are strappy black "kitten heels" and I really like them, but the one strap that actually holds them on my feet is stretched out beyond hope, so after shuffling like an old granny for a ways, I finally took them off and walked in my stockings to the bar. I'll tell you, I have class, man!  And I must apologize to Aimee for making her wait around thinking I was actually slotted in to sing. I would think you'd know me better. I guess you didn't really expect me to wear my Christmas goose vest to work either though, did ya?
     Well there has been a bunch of guys getting laid off for a few weeks, so lots of check outs this week. And the temp has been so cold with the wind chill that the mine has been shut down early several times this week.
     I really scored this week, was offered a few fridges from guys that didn't know what to do with them when leaving. One I gave to Amanda, and another I told I'd store it until he comes back from lay-off at the end of January. And another guy gave me a $2 winner lotto ticket (I should cash that in tomorrow, and get another ticket) He said if it won over $1000, I would have to split it with him, haha. And I got a nice pen from some guys' company. Tis the season, I guess!
     Did I mention that it's really COLD here??? I mean, I do like to keep my room on the cool side, because I sleep better in a cold room, but this is nuts! I don't think the furnace is kicking in at all, so just using my little baseboard heater. It's right under the window - which, by the way, has about a half inch of ice build up inside it right now - so it seems most of the heat coming off it is getting sucked right up to the non-thermal non high efficiency windows. Now it's also just under the desk, so everything that is in my desk drawer is nice and toasty warm. And when I am sitting here at the desk, I put my feet on the heater so they are mostly warm, but boy oh boy the bed is COLD. And I just went to the cupboard to get my pajamas and they are FREEZING! I opened the desk drawer to put my pj top in to warm up, kinda like a warming oven, haha. The pj bottoms I just spread over my lower legs as they are propped up on the heater. As soon as they are warmed up, I'm jumping into them and into bed.
     Ok, I just checked the weather network and yes indeed, the temp did fall another degree, it is now -32. Cheers!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Yep, Christmas has finally come to Albian Village

     It seems very strange, because in the "real" world it's been Christmas since Halloween! But the decorating has been done over the weekend, thanks to a very ambitious, dedicated and hard-working general manager. Thanks Katy! I'll get pictures of the trees in the dining room and the lounge sometime today, maybe. It's going to be a busy day. Many arrivals, not enough rooms, same story.
     So a trip into town yesterday morning was in order. The weather was quite strange, it's like it wanted to be foggy, but it was so cold it was just freezing. I didn't get a picture but everything was coated with a thick white frost. It was about -20 yesterday morning when we were heading in, so try and imagine fog in that temperature. Yikes!
     Anyway I have to go to work, but I wanted to get something new up for my faithful readers! Tomorrow will be a better blog!

Friday, December 3, 2010

22 Days until Christmas??!!!????

     My goodness it feels like my life is flashing before my eyes. Well I had a challenging time since I've arrived back here. Morale seemed to be at a very low ebb for everyone, not just me. And that stuff feeds on itself and seems like the malaise spreads. However, the last couple of days have been better as I've decided to take on the world, or at least this company, or at least this camp! I have ideas about procedures and processes and just all kinds of things that I've decided to take to a hirer level and see where it goes. Anyway I'm feeling motivated and full of ideas to make things better and I've tasked myself with some projects and there's nothing I love better than a special project :)
     There seems to be a lot of colds and flu going around camp too. I very rarely get sick these last few years KNOCK ON WOOD!!!!! so I am hoping to weather the sickness storm unscathed.
     Here's today's comparisons for temp and daylight hours...
          Temp is -5C or 22F
          Sunrise is 7:37 am
          Sunset is 4:48 pm
     Ft. MacKay
          Temp is -21C or -6F
          Sunrise is 8:38 am
          Sunset is 3:50 pm
     It's very strange to look out the window at 8 am and see PITCH BLACK. And dusk setting in around 3:15. There hasn't been a whole lot of snow, just some new fluffies every day to keep things nice and clean. I haven't been outside in a few days, but will for sure the next while. I just worked 7 days of 7 am - 5 pm, then 1 day of 4 am - 2 pm, then I'll have 8 days of 2 pm - midnight, 1 day of 10 am - 8 pm, then another 4 am - 2 pm and I leave that day in the afternoon. Then I will be home for 13 days! Will feel very strange indeed.
     I guess possibly this weekend they will be bringing out the camp Christmas trees and decorations. I'm game for doing some decorating and trying to get into the mood. Very different than in the "real" world, where you've been getting bombarded with Christmas almost since Halloween. And it's very strange that I have 24 hours off between shifts! I finished at 2 pm today and don't go in until 2 pm tomorrow. I remembered to turn off my alarm (I would have been REALLY cranky had I forgotten and had it going off at 3:15 am!!). I remembered to put the Do Not Disturb sign and Please clean after 2 pm signs on my door. Now I'm hoping for a nice sleep-in and relaxing morning tomorrow!!
     At dinner tonight Lena and I were talking to a gentleman from Houston Texas who is here working. I asked if he'd ever been here in the winter, and he said yes once, just briefly. He said the temp was -40 (which by the way is exactly the same for Celcius and Fahrenheit at that temp) and he was outside on a clear, calm day and decided to take a picture. He said he took off his glove for a few seconds to snap a picture and couldn't believe how cold his hand got in those few seconds. Apparently frostbite will set in within 10 minutes for exposed skin at that temp. I think I disagree with that, and I think it may even be quicker than that. Anyway, he will be here in camp through the winter and is really looking forward to experiencing a Northern Alberta winter. Haha.
     Anyway, take care all, I'm calling it a night!